An oldie but very much a goodie, Sigourney Weaver is a bit like a fine wine, she seems to get better as she matures. Lucky for us then, that we got a sneaky Sigourney Weaver upskirt on prime-time US tv, beamed out live to a bunch of people whose collective jaws dropped with the sight of Sigourney displaying a very un-ladylike way to move on a couch.
Now, the question is, was this accidental? Ms Weaver is an old hand at the being-in-the-public-eye thing, so we can only assume she felt relaxed in the company of the other femae guests, so much so that she momentarily forgot the cameras would have a dead-on view straight up her dress.
Catch more Sigourney Weaver nakedness HERE, or click the pic for more of Sigourney Weaver nude including full frontal pussy clips.